IPMI Releases Industry-Wide Electric Vehicle Readiness Survey
March 8, 2023 | IPMI
IPMI releases landmark survey to capture critical benchmarks and data on industry readiness to prepare for electric vehicles and charging needs to support national initiatives.
Electric vehicles (EVs) and charging infrastructure are poised to transform the parking, transportation, and mobility industry. The launch of the NEVI program, along with complementary federal, state, and local funding, policies, and programs, represents a generational opportunity for the parking and mobility industry to play a pivotal role to plan, deploy, and maintain required charging infrastructure to advance the adoption of EVs and electrification across the nation.

IPMI released its inaugural landmark EV Readiness survey to capture critical benchmarks and data on the state of the industry’s readiness to prepare for electric vehicles and charging needs to support national initiatives. Open to all industry professionals, this critical survey will close April 5.
Developed by the IPMI Board of Directors, its new EV Readiness Cohort along with the support of hundreds of IPMI expert volunteers, the 2023 IPMI Electric Vehicle Readiness Survey will capture insights and benchmarks on the current state of EV readiness, Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), and EV fleet deployment industry-wide, as well as anticipated demand and related impacts to the industry.
Click here or scan the QR code below to take the 2023 IPMI EV Readiness Survey.
“The adoption of electric vehicles for both patrons and fleets in parking, transportation, and mobility represents a sea change in our industry,” said Shawn Conrad, CAE, CEO of the International Parking & Mobility Institute (IPMI). “The NEVI program, along with the multitude of federal, state, and local incentives, will help support this massive initiative nationwide towards smarter cities, greener infrastructure, and greater mobility options. The International Parking & Mobility Institute has launched this survey and several programs in the areas of electrification and EV readiness for our members and the industry at large. We look forward to advancing EV adoption throughout our membership to the benefit of our members, our communities, and the nation.”

Supported by IPMI’s 2023 Exclusive EV Readiness Survey Sponsor, FLASH, IPMI will seek industry feedback through our partnerships and platforms, including the Global Parking Association Leaders, 19 affiliated State and Regional parking and mobility associations, and numerous industry partners like the CHARGE Coalition.