
Driving electric vehicle adoption

89% of Survey Respondents Say It Is Likely or Very Likely That Their Next Car Will Be an EV

According to Plug In America’s 2024 EV Driver Survey, electric vehicle (EV) drivers continue to express high satisfaction with their vehicles. The survey found that 89% of respondents stated they are likely or very likely to choose an EV for their next car, maintaining consistent enthusiasm seen in previous years’ surveys. This demonstrates a strong and ongoing commitment from current EV owners to stick with electric vehicles for future purchases, reflecting the growing confidence in EV performance, technology, and environmental benefits.

Plug In America, in collaboration with EPRI’s EVs2Scale2030 initiative, released its fourth annual EV driver survey. Building on data collected over the past three years, this survey leverages Plug In America’s extensive network of electric vehicle (EV) drivers, solidifying its reputation as a trusted source for both early and new EV adopters. The 2024 survey gathered responses from over 4,200 participants, with more than 3,300 being current EV drivers. Conducted between January and March 2024, the survey aims to provide a comprehensive view of the EV experience in the United States.

(Image: Hyundai)

Key areas of focus include the primary considerations drivers take into account when purchasing an EV, the likelihood that their next vehicle will also be an EV, and the concerns drivers faced at the time of purchase compared to their concerns today. Additionally, the survey explores the EV purchasing journey and profiles the typical EV driver.

(Image: Ford)

Clean air and environmental protection remain the top priority for approximately 40% of EV drivers, a figure that has held steady since the survey began. While these numbers vary slightly based on factors like age, gender, race, ethnicity, and the year of EV adoption, environmental protection and cost savings consistently rank as the most important considerations for EV buyers across all demographics.

New Features for 2024’s Report

The report was developed in collaboration with EPRI, which contributed to survey development, data analysis, and the expansion of the respondent network. Notably, the EV Driver Profiles section highlights survey results from traditionally underrepresented groups, including younger drivers, female drivers, and drivers from the following racial and ethnic backgrounds: Asian/Asian American or Pacific Islander, Black or African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American or Alaska Native.

This year also saw a record number of responses from non-EV drivers. Additionally, the survey gathered a statistically significant number of respondents from key states like California and Texas, with state-specific reports and analyses to be released soon.

Plug in America

Plug In America is a nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the transition to affordable and accessible plug-in vehicles and charging infrastructure through education, advocacy, and research. The organization envisions a future of transportation free from fossil fuels and works diligently to make that vision a reality through its initiatives and outreach efforts.

Each year, Plug In America presents the Drive Electric Awards to individuals and organizations that are at the forefront of advancing the electric vehicle movement. These awards recognize the contributions of those driving innovation, advocacy, and widespread adoption of EVs, celebrating the efforts that help shape a cleaner, more sustainable transportation future.

Plug In America emerged as a voice for EV advocacy in 2005. The founders of Plug in America originated from the 1990s grassroots campaign DontCrush.com. This group fought to save EVs like GM’s first mass-produced EV, the EV1, from being destroyed.