
Driving electric vehicle adoption


How it works

When we post articles that have already been published, we add a Source tagline at the bottom, showing that it’s not our original content, and including a link to the original article.


Republishing distributes your work to a wider audience. Proper attribution covered below.

Example: A Fork in the Road: States Will Determine the Future of US Transportation Emissions

Search engines and duplicate content

We avoid search engine or duplicate content issues with the rel=canonical tag in the code of the page. It shows search engines where the original content can be found, thus driving all traffic and SEO authority to the original page.


<link rel="canonical" href="https://rmi.org/states-will-determine-the-future-of-us-transportation/" class="yoast-seo-meta-tag" />

Get in Touch!
Questions or concerns? Contact us today!

Bill Pierce
Publisher, EVinfo.net