
Driving electric vehicle adoption

Vehicle-to-grid (V2G)

V2G technology paints a promising picture for the future of renewable energy. Through the use of electric vehicles, we can go beyond merely reducing carbon emissions, instead transforming each vehicle into a potential energy source for the grid. This technology not only supports the power grid during peak demand but also ensures an efficient usage of renewable energy. For instance, excess solar power generated during daylight hours can be stored in EV batteries and then dispatched to the grid when the sun isn’t shining. Although bi-directional charging and V2G technology are slightly different, both contribute significantly to the development of smart grids, paving the way for more sustainable and efficient energy systems.

The difference between bi-directional charging and V2G technology

While bi-directional charging and V2G technology both offer solutions for managing energy flow, it’s crucial to distinguish between the two. Bi-directional charging refers to the process that allows for two-way energy transfer; charging the electric vehicle’s battery (from the grid) and discharging it (back to the grid or another source). On the other hand, V2G technology primarily focuses on the discharging aspect, facilitating the transfer of energy from the EV’s battery back to the power grid. This subtle yet significant distinction underlines the unique features and potential applications of these technologies.

V2X, V2L, V2H and V2B

In addition to V2G, another key term often discussed in the context of bi-directional charging is V2X, or Vehicle-to-Everything. This broad term encompasses a variety of use cases, including vehicle-to-home (V2H), vehicle-to-building (V2B), and vehicle-to-load (V2L) services. These different abbreviations represent each respective use case, whether that involves using power from an electric vehicle (EV) battery in a residential home or commercial office building. With V2X, EVs can still provide value even when not contributing back to the grid. In essence, the concept behind V2G aligns closely with traditional smart charging, also known as V1G charging. This model allows us to manage EV charging in a way that can increase or decrease charging power based on demand. V2G takes this initiative a step further, enabling power stored in car batteries to be temporarily returned to the grid to counterbalance fluctuations in energy production and consumption.